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Sarah S

You're not just a citizen, Carol - you're on the front lines! I appreciate your advice, candor etc!

Susan Bjerke

Thank you!

Karen Scudder

Thank you for this and all you do!

Linda Watson

Thank you. And, while it's starting, perhaps, to sound a bit obvious to say it, please stay safe.


Thank you. We are also doing Thanksgiving solo. We had our first known exposure in my department at work the other day and the director finally has backed off the requirement to be in the office at least once a week, because cases are spiking in our county, higher than they have ever been and our local positivity rate is over 10% (which, while nothing compared to the rate in Kansas, is worryingly high). Enjoy your small celebration and your distanced hike and stay safe.


I thank YOU all for taking the time to read and share with those you love.

jeanette sclar

Bravo! You are a wonderful advocate for living life well, in good times and in challenging times. I sincerely hope you get one of the first rounds of vaccines so that you can feel more confident in being safe at work.

Jan Jackson

Thank you for sharing this, Carol.

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