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Such a beautiful Christmas miracle! Thanks for sharing a happy story.

jacki long

Well said, Carol, and so true.

Linda Watson

This is what Christmas is all about. Thank you.

Barbara Tarbox

Amen to the comments previously made.
Your part in this large, virtually unknown complication in the time of pandemic needs
Carol, thank you for the service you give to those who are so vulnerable and seem to
come to an impasse in that vulnerability.
Thanks to your colleagues who work hard to bring care beyond that which is their
immediate responsibility.
Let us lift up the spirit of love and care for all those in need who cross our path.
Peace, light, love during this time and beyond.


You are an angel in this Christmas miracle. Thank you for all you do for patients at “your” hospital, and thank you for lifting your readers’ spirits with this beautiful Christmas story.


Oh, this turned out to have a wonderful ending! I send my heartfelt thanks to you, and all of the wonderful hospital personnel, that are taking care of us. God Bless You!

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