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jacki long

Just wonderful, Carol, I can feel the warmth from here.


Looking at a Christmas tree lit up at night with the lights off is one of my most favorite things to do. Maybe with a few Christmas Carols in the background. I always wanted colored lights when I was younger but my mother insisted on "classic" white one's. Now, there's this beautiful thing... pre-lit trees where you can switch between colors or white with the push of a button. Everyone can be happy! Random thing here... I was at the dentist yesterday for a crown.. their tree had sparkly white glass molars on the tree... similar to the old blown glass German ornaments.. it was awesome! (I would have expected some cheapo plastic ones but these were real glass)


I made "snacks" last night too. In our family we called it "Scramble". It was my mom's recipe with lots of butter and worcestershire sauce and garlic salt and Lawry's Seasoning Salt. We make it only at Christmas time. I so enjoy your posts. Thanks so much for taking the time to write them! Merry Christmas!!


Maureen: your recipe sounds a lot like Chris's recipe! We only make them at Christmas too, because that's when his dad made them. He used to put them in the old Folgers coffee cans for gifting :-)

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