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How about Sun-In, Love's Lemon Perfume and Charlie perfume? Looks like you had quite the posse?


So amazing to still be in touch with your college friends. The thing I miss most in my solitary old age is a sense of community, exacerbated by pandemic isolation. Fingers crossed things get better soon.


A lovely group of photos, but I'm most curious about that yarn. I don't think I've seen anything like it! Have fun.


Mary: Ann got it for me when she was in Australia. It's 100% baby alpaca and came from the Australian Alpaca Barn.


Emie: I so remember Charlie perfume!


Leslie: I am with you on the "sense of community". I have enjoyed regular video chatting on ZOOM, FaceTime, or now facebook messenger. Especially for those far away. It has been a lifeline.

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