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My daughter gave me the exact pajamas for Christmas!! After washing ,I iron them with my favorite linen spray. They are the BEST EVER!!!


Hi , may I ask where you bought your unicorn Garden pj's? I think I might just need these! Thank you for always brightening my with your blog, love it. :)

Nancy Brill

JoAnn's has foam cushions to put inside your covers. They're usually in the back near the rest rooms.
And thanks for the book recommendations, I got Handbook for Mortals and it's just what I wanted. Not that I'm facing an illness but I'm 85 and am more comfortable with a feel for what I'll be facing one of these days...
I love Lawrence, I lived out at Perry Lake for a year or so twenty years ago and loved coming in to town. I still miss it. And your blog brings me right back there. Thanks!
Take care, stay safe.


Lori: I got the pajamas at Printfresh.com - great service. They were on sale when I bought them too!


Joan: linen spray? I am intrigued. Do give the details!


Nancy: THANK YOU! I will check JoAnn's out for the cushions. You know I haven't been to Perry Lake but I hear the walking trails around there are nice. I MUST go. I am glad you felt Handbook for Mortals was helpful. It's a very well written practical book. You stay safe too.


Me again! I always spray my pillow cases and cotton pj's with linen spray and then iron them . The heat from the iron infuses the fragrance into the cloth. I usually use Caldrea Linen and Room Spray. A favorite scent is Pear Blossom Agave.I have a friend who doesn't iron and only uses the spray on her pillow before bedtime. Pure bliss.

jacki long

Lots of good stuff! Thanks Carol and Carol's fans.

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