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I can understand how having a group of peers who are going through the same thing is a blessing during these times. I worry about the mental health of our healthcare workers. I'm retired from my RN job but NY has requested retired workers to help out giving vaccines. They offer special Covid vaccine training. I'll be returning to NY early May and I'm thinking about volunteering... I'd do it for free just to get more people vaccinated. It might just be a small way to help? My only concern is I quit work because of a foot surgery gone wrong and I do take pain meds so I wonder if that would disqualify me? I'll have to find out. I REALLY want to do SOMETHING.

Janet Ghio

Blind contour drawing-great therapy-uses a different side of the brain-much laughter at the results-a great idea for a way to end a stressful week!

Chris Oliveira



This reminds me of the stories my mom told me about her days as a RN on the wards. The way they would accept the reality of the hard parts of the job and keep each other lifted up. Clearly they were not nursing in a pandemic as this was in the late 40’s and early 1950’s yet they all had reasons to find the levity in life so they could keep caring for each other and the patients in their care.

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