During the pandemic I have worked from home about 5 days. I can't decide if the best thing about working from home is:
A. A lunch that does not come out of a bag.
B. A very quiet office with a window.
C. The aroma of freshly baked shortbread cookies wafting upstairs.
D. The ability to observe the growth of the tulips while on the way to the bathroom.
Or possibly the extra hour of sleep obtained with the elimination of the commute.
But when push comes to shove, I am going to have to say the pumpernickel toast with cream cheese, hot sauce, a freshly sliced tomato, and a fried egg is hard to beat.
It could be the best lunch I have ever had. At least it tasted like it at the time. Living in the moment at it's finest. That's what this lunch was.
I believe you've just created a gratitude list??? It really is the simple things that make my heart swoon (like a great lunch).
Posted by: Emie | 03/17/2021 at 04:09 AM
That cookie recipe looks delicious, and what a pretty cookie press you must have used! :) LOL at watching the tulip bulbs grow on your way to the restroom! Ha!
Posted by: Sally | 03/17/2021 at 02:24 PM
Carol, would you mind sharing your shortbread recipe? I've tried a couple different recipes, and I haven't been completely happy with either.
Posted by: Maureen | 03/18/2021 at 08:50 PM