In the very ordinary arena these days, we have taken to playing cards here at Tall Tales Headquarters. Specifically, Rummy and War. When us Moss's were kids we played cards. A lot. I think Angie told us to go amuse ourselves, and cards filled the bill. Chris on the other hand, never played as a kid. High time he learn, said I.
The lovely deck above was a purchase from the Hammerpress store. An extremely nice set of cards, uniquely interesting, from high quality card stock with a great finish that makes for good shuffling. If you are someone who enjoys shuffling... which I do.
War (in cards) is easy and fun. The only bad thing is Chris has won every single game since we started playing last week. There is no strategy to it, it's pure chance, so surely my time is coming? It's especially fun when we get a double war (as shown above).
This cardinal was out back chirping his head off this week. Clearly as glad as I am that it's warming up outside.
Above is an example of my new knife prowess. I decided it was high time I learned to peel an orange with a knife like they do on all the cooking shows, then place it on the plate in slices instead of peeled segments. The appearance pleases me greatly, as does less pithy bitterness in each bite. I will likely be looking for more things to peel and slice. Beware.
These are the very very pretty tulips from the grocery store this week. That orange color just says cha-cha-cha! Don't you think? They are holding me over nicely as I wait for bouquet after bouquet of local flowers from the farmers market. Which by the way, opens April 10th.
Another lovely blog.
Satisfies my anticipation, every time.
Posted by: jacki long | 03/04/2021 at 12:24 AM
Fresh flowers are magic... especially brightly colored ones.
Posted by: Emie | 03/04/2021 at 01:22 AM
My friends and I played war by the hours when we were kids. We played in the screened in porch mostly on those long hot summer days--and a double war was the best!
Posted by: Janet Ghio | 03/04/2021 at 06:28 AM
Your new deck of cards look smooth & lovely. My husband and I enjoy playing
Five Crowns, for which you need a special deck, every night after dinner.
He was in the Air Force in Europe and was TDY at many bases installing electronic equipment. At a hotel where his team stayed in Spain, the restaurant bar tender would hold an orange up face high and peel it in one go without breaking the peel. Then he sliced it as you did and sprinkle on a bit of powdered sugar. So entertaining and good.
Posted by: Brenda | 03/05/2021 at 09:42 AM
Oh Brenda!!!! I love how this comment calls to mind the hotel in Spain and the bartender. We lived in Spain for 4 years when we were kids and I love how this makes me think of that too. The “connection” is felt strongly. I will have to google
5 Crowns. Thank you for adding to this story with your comment.
Posted by: Carol | 03/05/2021 at 09:59 AM