When this clematis was planted I was informed it would sleep, creep, and finally leap - in regards to it's growth pattern. This year it is doing whatever comes after leap. Some kind of massive move forward. Whatever that's called.
The buds before they open are as interesting as the flowers and never was there a more tenacious climber than the clematis.
On a drive to work one morning last week the clouds moved over momentarily to let in some splendid shades of pink and yellow and blue. Oh it was lovely. I wanted to turn to the right, drive south rather than east, instead of going to work - drive into an unplanned open-ness.
On a walk Sunday there was this remnant of a robin egg resting next to a yellow leaf. It was more turquoise than turquoise, it that's possible.
Knitting needles were picked up and a project with linen was begun. More as it progresses. I haven't knitted with linen before, it's different, but interesting and I kind of like it.
Fresh asparagus dropped in boiling water for a minute, followed by an ice bath, a squeeze of lemon, and a shake of salt.
These moments have not one thing to do with each other, except that they were all random. Snapshots from days that made me stop, or think, or be glad, or wishful, or appreciative. Sometimes all 5 feelings at once.
That sky!!!
That eggshell.
That asparagus.
Your clematis.
Yes, all. Yes.
Posted by: Vicki in Michigan | 05/26/2021 at 03:16 PM
taking pictures makes me seek out all the yes's.
Posted by: carol | 05/26/2021 at 06:42 PM