In case you can't tell by the banner at the top of this post, zinnia season is upon us.
If I have to pick a favorite, it is always going to be the Queen Lime Red combined with the Tequila Lime and a few coneflowers and basil.
The Tequila Lime are all lime and the ones with the pink in there along with lime are the Queen Lime Red. That little one below, that is mostly pink with just a hint of green is also a Queen Lime Red. I just love how they all come out a bit different, and how the colors change as they mature.
Let me also say that a bouquet of all the colors and all the sizes is pretty hard not to fall head over heels in love with.
The best thing about zinnias is that once you figure them out (where to plant, how to water, when to pinch back the blooms, where to cut to promote ongoing blooms, and what spot in your garden will produce the best results), you will have a non-stop profusion of flowers all season long that will make you happy from July until October. At least that's our season in Kansas. Depending upon when you plant the seeds of course. I planted the ones in my front garden just a bit later and they are not blooming yet.
Unbelievably gorgeous! And the photography too.
Posted by: jacki long | 07/09/2021 at 11:32 PM
I look forward to seeing yours every year.
Posted by: Daisy | 07/10/2021 at 09:15 AM
I never tire of your zinnias! TFS xo
Posted by: Michelle A. | 07/10/2021 at 06:19 PM
Zinnias are a wonder of nature. Thanks for letting me show you pictures!
Posted by: carol | 07/11/2021 at 08:23 PM