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Pam Michael

I have 2 sisters, yes, I completely understand fits of laughter!!
I love reading about you and your sisters adventures!

Susan Maxwell Bjerke

My baby sister lived in Albuquerque (actually Tijeras up in the Sandias) for some years and we too would have fits of laughter...Tent rocks was a wonderful hike. Madrid (not the same pronunciation as Spain) where I bought my favorite painting was a great time and the Range restaurant is where we must stop to have their turkey dinner with green chili gravy. Thanks for sharing your trip. Glad you had fun! I love that quirky place.


Susan: tent rocks is on my list to do. Dottie says it’s a great hike too. The Range is one of our favorites and we visited on this trip as well, but the turkey dinner with green chili gravy sounds like a must try!

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