On the way to the East Fork of the Jemez river, Dottie and I pulled off the road in Jemez Springs, for coffee. You won't be sorry if you stop at the Highway 4 Cafe & Bakery, get a 12 oz latte, and then wander around a bit to see what you can see. You will have exactly enough time to finish this drink before you get to the trailhead.
Another coffee place I feel warrants a visit is in the vicinity of downtown Albuquerque - Humble coffee. You can get a blue-corn blueberry doughnut to go with your drink if you want. Cool signs, good seating, not busy on a weekend morning!
Afterwards you can stroll around and soak up the atmosphere.
The day I got to Albuquerque, Dottie took me up to the Sandia Crest Trail for a quick hike and a lovely vista of the city. A great way to start the trip. The temps were cool up at 10,000 feet, and when you have come from the humidity of Kansas, that feels simply wonderful.
We laughed like a couple of hyena's when we finally reached this trailhead... I had asked Dottie "how long until we get there" several times along the way and she assured me it was "just around the corner", when in fact she was not sure about that at all, but she saved that bit of info until after we arrived. If you have a sister, you can understand these kinds of uncontrollable fits of laughter.
I have 2 sisters, yes, I completely understand fits of laughter!!
I love reading about you and your sisters adventures!
Posted by: Pam Michael | 07/30/2021 at 09:23 PM
My baby sister lived in Albuquerque (actually Tijeras up in the Sandias) for some years and we too would have fits of laughter...Tent rocks was a wonderful hike. Madrid (not the same pronunciation as Spain) where I bought my favorite painting was a great time and the Range restaurant is where we must stop to have their turkey dinner with green chili gravy. Thanks for sharing your trip. Glad you had fun! I love that quirky place.
Posted by: Susan Maxwell Bjerke | 07/31/2021 at 02:25 AM
Susan: tent rocks is on my list to do. Dottie says it’s a great hike too. The Range is one of our favorites and we visited on this trip as well, but the turkey dinner with green chili gravy sounds like a must try!
Posted by: Carol | 07/31/2021 at 11:08 AM