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Janet G

In Columbia NO we only had a short window of time before all hell broke loose--for several weeks I was able to meet friends for coffee inside and we even went into the grocery store unmasked--no more--we were both vaccinated months ago and finally felt like we could venture out-now we are back in our own little world again and having tasted a bit of freedom-it seems much worse this time--more demoralizing-and our city that was one of the only with mask mandates ended them in June. As the home to 3 hospitals-people from all over the state are being sent here from around the state-that also means the influx of more unvaccinated family members coming here and in the next month the University opens with another big influx of students and so far no plans for precautions. Sorry for the length of this. I'm glad you were able to visit your coffee shop again --enjoy it-be there now!

Chris Oliveira

I couldn’t agree with you more. Carpe Diem! And that pie looks absolutely heavenly!

jeanette sclar

That was one of my favorite streets to take on my way home after class whenI I went to KU! Many changes that I will have to check out!


Janet: I too worry for what the winter will bring. It’s so hard to know. I am storing up a bank of goodness right now and wearing a mask in busy indoor spots.

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