In the second installment of the Three Pines Mystery series by Louise Penny, I have been drawn deeper into the subplot of the Arnot case, an incident that happened within the ranks of the Sûreté du Québec, that has caused trouble for Chief Inspector Gamache. I had to listen to the last part of it several times to be sure I was hearing and understanding it all correctly. The beauty of this series is the escape into the village of Three Pines, learning more about the inhabitants, while you wish you were sitting in Olivier and Gabri's bistro with a basket of warm crescents in front of you.
I will give myself ample time to let all the things that happened in A Fatal Grace sit for a bit before I request book #3. I am not one to "binge" watch or read a series. For me, stories like these need to be read slowly and carefully, to capture all the details and nuances that may be important later on... such as learning about God's love of lemon meringue pie. This series is highly recommended.
Below, is the most recent finish from the pile on my bedside table. It, is something you can just race through because really you know how it's going to end and frankly the 364 pages could have been condensed to 227. Still, I finished it because I did want to be certain some crazy twist didn't come in at the end, which would have been much worse than the predictable conclusion.
Isn't it a good thing there are so many different kinds of books in the world to appeal to all of the different people we are? Even though I didn't love People We Meet on Vacation I can absolutely see how others might. If you want to read a story about friends who meet and realize over the course of 10 years they were meant to be more than that... this IS the book for you.
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