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Janet G

Thank you for sharing your zinnia pics every year! Its one of my favorite flowers and I used to grow them every year but now we live in an upper level condo with no place for a garden-so no zinnias. I am wondering how they would do if grown in pots on our balcony


I probably AM the president of the international zinnia fan club! haha. Every year, for the zinnias I haven't cut, I just let them dry right on the stem. At the end of the season, I deadhead everything and throw them in a paper bag (to stay dryish) for the winter. In the spring I pull the flower heads apart and scatter the seeds. They always grow back and I haven't bought seeds in years!


What stunning colours! I don't think I have seen these in the UK - are they a bit like dahlias?
Love them!


I stan your zinnia posts every year and look forward to the day we makeover our long-neglected backyard which I've designated the future Boston-Metro chapter of the IZFC. Thanks for sharing the goodness. xo

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