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Janet G

Thank you for posting this Carol. At least in Kansas it sounds like stores are still allowed to require masks-in Missouri we are no longer allowed to require masks-just request it-the schools are no longer able to require masks thanks to our stupid state officials-


Oh Carol...My heart is with you and all of our Medical Heroes who continue to show up to fight this virus. I try to be understanding, but I have lost it when it comes to those who choose to be unvaccinated & who refuse to do what is necessary to help protect others. I live in Ohio where the new case counts are rising each day. Luckily, my husband's company has allowed him and others who aren't in the shipping & receiving areas to work from home. We're vaccinated but I have asthma, so I am not leaving the house for any reason. I have been journaling about how it's insane that people are acting as if all danger has passed, while the numbers say otherwise.
Thank you for all you do, and please stay safe. Sending hugs & good energy your way.

Chris Oliveira

We have decided to hunker down at home again until this surge calms down. We have all three vaccinations, but many of our friends and family have none. It’s very scary. I worry so much about the children.

Karen Scudder

Thank you for all you do!


Thanks for sharing your experience, Carol. Such difficult times, with so many people choosing to stick their heads in the sand, or just believe off-the-wall "statistics" from non-medical sources.

I hope you and your colleagues can stay safe -- there is a special blessing for all who work in health care today.


Linda Watson

Thank you, Carol.


Excellent post, Carol! Hang in there - I appreciate all of your hard work and caring.


Carol, thank you for sharing and I'm so sorry your hospital is going through this yet again. Statistics don't lie.
I have an RN friend who remains UNvaccinated. She's been working at the same hospital since 1980. She was forced to resign. Her reasoning, not enough data.
Say WHAT? I. DO. Not. Get. It.
I hoping beyond hope that relief comes soon. Medical people deserve a standing ovation and then some.
Love to all of you!!!!

Liz in Oregon

You are an enduring blanket of balm to me and I mean to comment but don't. Please know we're out here loving everything you write even if we remain in the background. Here's to a better year ahead and please accept a warm virtual hug from a blog-lurker in Oregon. xo (oh, just got my booster last week.)

jeanette sclar

I am beyond baffled by the politicization of covid. I don't know if I will ever be satisfied by any explanation. It is discouraging to be hunkered down for another bout but you bring sunshine with each post.

I feel the deepest respect and gratitude for your work, and for your life-celebrating posts. You set the best possible example for how to live a happy, worthwhile life.

See you on the other side of this madness!


Amen Jeanette!


Squeezing you back!


I have moved beyond trying to comprehend the rationale behind not getting vaccinated.


Thank you susan1


Thank you Linda!


Dianne I will say that using the proper protection, I feel quite safe at work.


Thanks Karen!


Chris, I am with you on the worry about the kids, especially with the higher numbers of hospitalized children now as opposed to previously.


Debbie, our journals will be interesting to review in future years… you stay safe too!


Janet I am with you on the frustration with public leaders/oficials.

Barbara Casillas

Your posts always portray a person who finds joy in everything. I'm sure you bring that light to your patients, which allows them to experience moments of sweetness.

Amy in Texas

Thank you, Carol, for sharing your experiences with us.

But more importantly, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to you and your fellow medical field folks who show up day after day. You are appreciated beyond words can express!


Thank you Amy


Please know that you are appreciated not only for the work you do but also because you see the silver lining. My county does seem to favor shots or masks and I am totally amazed. Spoke with a woman whose husband was in the hospital for 9 days. She told me she was skeptical of the shots. I retorted that people are dying without them.


Good Answer Vicki!

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