This morning on the way to work I heard a story on NPR about the beneficial effects of art and music on people who have had brain injuries. What stuck with me from all of this, was when they were talking to soprano Renee Fleming about the results when she performed in an MRI scanner. They demonstrated that it was not singing, but imagining singing that had the largest effect on her brain. Isn't that fascinating?
All of my colleagues will attest to my belief in the power of singing with/to patients. Just this week we saw a man hospitalized with a serious stroke. He had been agitated and was not responding to providers who were interacting with him. When I busted out my best Johnny Cash imitation in a rousing rendition of I walk the Line - he smiled! A few minutes later I gave Kitty Wells a try with Ring of Fire. Once again, he smiled. Listen, I am no music therapist and I do not pretend to be one but I see no reason not to use all the tricks at my disposal when assessing a patient and their ability to interact with me.
So bearing all of this in mind, on a Friday night, I hope each of you write a list on your arm this evening (or in the morning) of the things that you are going to imagine doing this weekend. The things that will give your brain just the thing it needs to light up. As for me, I am going to look at these books and then close my eyes and consider all the things I may decide to make.
Or I might stare out this window again, to the old building next door, and dream about something I want to do.
And finally, on a family note, let me be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday Brother! I hope the cupcakes are perfect, with just the right amount of frosting, and a moist tender crumb. Whatever you do, I hope you are as happy as you look here in this photo with mom and dad, before the three of us girls came along.
Happy birthday to your brother!
Posted by: Chris Oliveira | 03/05/2022 at 08:01 AM
Imagining you singing Johnny Cash, full tilt, and that man smiling, well, I feel my own spirits lift. Thank you!
Posted by: Linda Watson | 03/06/2022 at 08:20 AM