One might think that working part time instead of full time would translate to more not less blogging. What I am finding though, is that the extra time is going instead to sitting and thinking. Thinking about stuff like "No Mow May" which helps the bees.
There is also the thinking and eating activities, as in how will I use the farmers market purchases. At this time of year it's pretty much just clean and eat. Strawberries with blueberries and yogurt, asparagus with greens and hard boiled eggs in a salad with a mustardy vinaigrette.
Deciding if one piece of cake will make 3 desserts or only 2. This coconut/lime concoction may be my new favorite from the Chonky boys. Moist with a pop of lime in the frosting and the chew of the flaky coconut.
The annual cleaning, filling, and plugging in of the fountain.
Watching the rain on the hosta leaves.
What I am actually finding is an unburdening. Letting go of the need to "do" without a reason. Especially some self-imposed rule that needs to be let go of.
Chris and I are talking about a drive to Tulsa. Who's been? On our agenda at this moment is The Philbrook Museum of Art, a botanic garden, and I just stumbled across Knit Stars which looks amazing. What else have you done there that we should investigate? Do tell.
Philbrook is wonderful. Tulsa has a relatively new park along the Arkansas River. I've not been yet but have heard it's excellent.
Posted by: Terri W. | 05/15/2022 at 01:13 AM
Terri: thank you so MUCH for this! Carol
Posted by: Carol | 05/15/2022 at 04:07 PM