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Linda Watson

"Which is what we are given so I'm running with it.". I think this is the greatest gift from these times, the fuller recognition of this.

Thanks for your lovely post. I look forward to reading them with my morning tea.

Amy in Texas

Beautiful flowers! And enjoy your new routine.

Becky Haynes

Enjoy your “between time.” It’s just what I did for 7 years before I fully retired from teaching. It was a perfect, precious time. I live in Lincoln and cannot recommend the red and white quilt show strongly enough! It’s breathtaking! If you want a tour guide let me know. One of the truly incredible things about the International Quilt Museum is that there are multiple shows and opportunities to enjoy and learn about quilts. It’s not a long drive….


Oh BeckyI thanks for your endorsement of the red and white quilt show! the prairie makers are discussing a date.


Linda and Amy: thanks for the nice comments.

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