Playing around with scraps to make this pillow sham was good fun. Though it's hard to tell from these photos, I practiced some quilting. I also tried folding over the back of the sham to make the "binding" instead of making bias binding and attaching it separately. That was a mistake, but you have to try it to know that right? This method does not lay down as smoothly, at least it didn't for me.
I am not 100% sold on the "matching" of a sham to a quilt, but what the heck.
In other news, this dianthus, planted at least 10 years ago, has returned yet again.
It just hangs on to the rock wall and does its thing every year. A wonderful little plant for mini flower arrangements, that also provides plenty of pleasure as I look at it from the window over my sink.
All the flowers are done for the year from the Rising Sun redbud but aren't the leaves just beautiful?
I also finally went through the burpee catalog and ordered zinnia seeds to plant. It feels like maybe it's a bit later than last year but you can plant them all summer long so why not whenever you get around to it?
On the reading front, I finished the first of the Kurt Wallander series by Henning Mankell - Faceless Killers. As in the previous book I read by him, The Shadow Girls (not part of the Kurt Wallander series), I was irritated at times by the main character and yet was compelled to see how it turned out. I will likely try the second in the series... to see if Kurt gets any smarter in his personal life as he is in his professional work. Actually, "smarter" is not the right word. He just struggles so, as we all do, with what seems to the reader (anyway) like the obvious best choices. If you've read the series do weigh in. This was the first book I have listened to on a library app (Hoopla) as opposed to an actual CD, which has opened up my listening options greatly. Plus, it makes me feel savvy.
I love the smell of dianthus--I always had pink ones-I am assuming the lavender smell as sweet
Posted by: Janet | 05/19/2022 at 06:54 AM
Janet: the smell reminds me of the smell of carnations!
Posted by: Carol Mulvenon | 05/20/2022 at 06:40 PM