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I love your collection and you are right-taking time to "play with our toys" really does reconnect us. I find that if I want to make art but feel stuck, going to clean up my space has a similar affect. Suddenly I am inspired to use this or that. Thanks for sharing-I am craving a quiet beach walk now :)


Beautiful collection. I would find myself rehydrating often!


Great collection! For another version of playing with her toys, check out today's Instagram @janefaase whose finds come from mudlarking on the Thames.


Brenda thanks for pointing me to Jane's collection! wonderful!


The tray idea is wonderful. Since today is my first official day of summer for this teacher, I'm definitely doing this later. <3 <3 <3


Did you also see Jane's wonderful London travel journal? Also amazing.


Brenda, oh yes, I did - fabulous!

barbara dunbar

Beautiful toys! I want to touch them all.


Barbara: I will let you completely re-arrange them :-) carol

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