Even though I am working part time these days, I did work today and am also working tomorrow. Working the 2 days before the holiday means planning the whole Thanksgiving thing out meticulously. It is important when you host to have lists. Lists upon lists. Cleaning lists, shopping lists, cooking lists. Cleaning began last week. Why do we feel the need to clean our house as if our family and friends are going to be going over things with a white glove? Why, in our minds, when we are cleaning, do we think our guests will find some fault, and get irritated in advance when no one has even walked through the front door? What is THAT?
We made charts with what we were each doing in the days ahead. Monday for me was silverware polishing, good china washing, all the glassware rinsed, dried, checked for spots, table linens inspected. Chris has been cleaning the garage, taking the screens down before the window washers come, vacuuming like a fiend, disinfecting the bathrooms!
Tonight he said, "when the guests leave on Friday we are going to sit on our butts and not do anything for 3-4 days". I seconded the motion and it carried. Then we decided that maybe if we did a deep cleaning 3 times a year when we are not on a deadline, it might be easier. Inside, even though I am the one that suggested it, I was laughing my head off. Clean without a specific reason to be cleaning? Sheer madness.
All this to say, if you are hosting this Thanksgiving Chris and I are standing with you in solidarity. As you clean, as you cook, as you think about how many cocktails and glasses of wine you will have on the big day, please know that we have your back. We agree with every crazy thought in your head, we endorse your feelings of irritation. When you are about to explode, picture us in your head nodding, putting our arms around your shoulders, telling you what a good human you are, and finally, reminding you that you are part of a community who gets it.
If I have missed some element of the travail that is hosting a holiday function, please add it in the comments. It will make me feel less like a small minded person.
P.S. If you are someone coming to our house for Thanksgiving dinner, you are the person it is a pure joy to cook and clean for and we don't begrudge you the work one teeny tiny bit.