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Kathy B

I got a stripology ruler a year ago...and it changed my fabric cutting life! No hyperbole ... just the truth. From first cut to the final cut...all strips are accurate...and makes strip quilt blocks lay flat not wavy or wonky! While sometimes I can embrace wonkiness...there are other projects that simply must behave!
Thanks for your always inspiring blog posts...with all the gorgeous photography.


I've been on the charity quilts committee of my quilt guild for yrs. We cut up a lot of fabric and have devised a great method for dealing with the small pcs you always have left. If there is full width, we cut 2.5" strips. If we can get 10' sqs, we cut those. Anything else is cut into 5" sqs.
After yrs of this we have made dozens of quilts using these 3 shapes, and it eliminates storing small odd pcs of fabric.


Well, it's actually onewomanshands.blogspot.com !


thanks Kathy and Leslie for the feedback on the ruler! It reinforces what I have already heard.

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