Sister and I just concluded day 2 of 3 planned days of ZOOM art making. I need several days in a row of art dates. It takes at least 1/2 of the first session to get my mind to free itself up and get started.
That's Angie at age 11 and Marti Huff at age 99. Sister was painting seascape masterpieces, Otto was prowling around in the background, good fun all around.
Today started with a self portrait followed by my rendition of a scene on the box of long matches up here in the art room. This was especially enjoyable.
Tomorrow the sky is the limit. Maybe I will attempt seascapes, more portraits, or something completely different.
My "chore" today consisted of putting the neon pothos that has been rooting in water, into dirt today. Before it suffered root rot. I think that's a thing. Hopefully it will take, then hold until it's time to put it out in pots with the caladiums out front again this year. The succulents that had been hot glued on top of the mini pumpkin were also stuck in dirt. Who can say if they will survive. I figure if they lived without any water on top of a mini pumpkin for 3 months they should?
I hope you are spending your long weekend (if you have one) doing what you like too.
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