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jacki long

Sound like you are right on track, Carol. I do remember when I started walking the first day, it felt like they had inserted a extra heavy cement block, which got smaller as they days went on.I'd say keep the cane but don't use it, maybe use as a baton leading a parade/

Chris Oliveira

Oh, how I wish I could eat that, but eggs and I do not get along well when they’re a main attraction. As always over all the years I have been reading your blog, your words resonate with me. My post op PT starts today, and I am so anxious to start. I have no worries about returning to work, as I am retired, but I haven’t driven a car since early October. If you are ready in 10 days, awesome. If not, I hope you take care of yourself and keep that promise to your new hip. You doing you has always been pretty awesome from what I can see. We’ve got this!

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