This is Barry. He is the newest of the "Harvey Boys". He has been on the scene for over a year now, and we have officially bonded to the point where he will roll on his back and hang with me when I am out in the garden. Sometimes he even likes to try and sneak in the back patio door when I open it to talk to him. He is a complete squish bomb, dear, love, kit-kit. In other words he makes my world better.
These are some recent peonies. They too make my life fuller.
While I am at it, this is some recent mail from Marti and Nancy. Can I tell you how happy it made me to open this mail, with this newspaper clipping, and a note? Here's the thing, I love that while Marti was reading this she thought of me, and took the time to cut it out and send it to me. Not many people do that anymore. Angie used to cut out articles to send to all us girls. She would underline things in red - several times, with instructions to pay attention!! The other mail is a post card from Nancy. She rescued these from her mother-in-law's house after she died. Joanne had obtained them in the 1970's on a trip to Europe and never got around to sending them all. Oh what a pleasure to get a postcard that someone in the 1970's thought was special enough to bring home, and then someone else rescued 50 years later, and is NOW sending to ME.
Last in a line of life enhancing pictures is this bouquet. How do people live without flowers?
Love your little bits of warm fuzziness.
Posted by: Chris Oliveira | 06/23/2023 at 06:47 AM
We have cats so no place to put them where we can enjoy them before they get investigated and strewn about.
Just looking at ones in our flower beds are what we have these days.
Posted by: SMM | 06/24/2023 at 05:45 PM