Today the market post starts with the unpacked basket photo, which will immediately convey that it was a good Saturday at the market.
Let me introduce Benjamin next. He was on the job for the first time Saturday - in the all important "re-stocker" position. He listened very carefully as he was being instructed in the details of what he was to accomplish. And when he was done, smiled nicely for the photo.
Sweet corn made it's first appearance on Saturday, and it looked mighty fine.
I did snatch up an heirloom tomato for club sandwiches some night this week.
Strawberry lemonade cake seemed like the perfect dessert for that, as well as after the Chinese barbecue fried rice we are having tonight. I think it could be the universal dessert.
There were lots of flower choices... and a bucket of dill that would look lovely on any dining table.
What about some Colocasia Esculenta for a pot for your porch? These specimens were beauties.
For juice this week I selected Grapefruit Bliss (grapefruit, apple, orange, ginger) and was gifted a bottle of Turmeric Water. Sister said last week that she thought it would taste bad - wrong, wrong, wrong. It was mild and refreshing AND I love thinking it's good for me as I drink it.
There were beautiful little potatoes for any old thing you might want to do with them... potato salad, hash browns, roasted potatoes, a small baked potato opened up and topped with sour cream, chives, and how about some smoked salmon?
The musicians were making everyone smile, especially the folks behind them who were lined up for doughnuts.
When I got home, after putting the flowers on the table, I sat and snapped my green beans. I have one very vivid memory of being about 8 years old and visiting dad's sisters in Louisiana. We sat on the porch and snapped beans with Aunt Ola. It was something I had never done before. Our beans always came out of a can or the freezer when I was growing up. I love that even though I can't remember names of things I use everyday, that memory is so strong. The older I get the more I appreciate those lines of connection.
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