The other day, at the Baker Wetlands, there was a whole new cast of characters doing their thing. I am not sure what this particular flower is, but it's bright and really stands out. It might be a type of milkweed? Note to self: consult the chart while you are out there next time.
Button bush flower. Otherworldly. Fabulous.
Wild hibiscus.
While I can always hear the red-winged blackbird, dickcissel, common yellowthroat, Bell's vireo, and northern cardinal (thanks to the merlin app I am learning to identify the calls) the blooming things are ever changing. The prairie, when left alone to do its thing, does quite well. Imagine that.
The purple flower looks like bee balm, or monarda to me. There is an app to id plants too similar to Merlin.
Posted by: Chris Oliveira | 07/28/2023 at 09:02 AM
The purple flower is ironweed , Vernonia species. It’s in the aster family. Here’s a link:,on%20the%20leaves%20and%20stalks.
Posted by: Jeanette sckar | 07/28/2023 at 12:47 PM
Thanks Jeanette you master gardener you!!
Posted by: Carol | 07/30/2023 at 08:37 PM