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The bird photos are fantastic! Not much news here. Since December I've been lighting candles at breakfast because it's still dark. My relatives in Denmark did that when I visited in December. Stay warm!

Chris Oliveira

Hi! We are up to very little here. Dale has had a cold that wouldn’t quit. Lots of reading, chicken soup and tea!


Mary! I too light candles every morning, there is something comforting about it. I am so happy to hear that you got to Denmark in December to visit relatives. I look forward to catching up with you in person sometime. Carol


Chris: good to hear from you and I hope that shoulder is doing well. Raising my tea cup to yours. Carol


The cucumber salad looks similar to "Great Aunt Betty's Cucumber Salad" in my family -- I love the cuke edges on yours! I just texted my Mom the image of your fingerless gloves. (I've been begging. Nicely!) Is there a pattern to suggest? Thanks Carol. xo


A little over a week ago I decided I needed to see the redwood trees and the Pacific ocean and Ev said he was game. I made some tunafish, threw some stuff in a shitcase and we drove to California and did just that. Rain! But no desert girl would ever complain about that. We had a delicious time. Two days ago I looked at him and said, "I miss my pillow and the dogs" so we turned the car east and came home. Arrived a couple of hours ago, unpacked and ordered pizza and that's that!


Michelle here's to all the great Aunt Betty's in the world! May their recipes continue to live and be passed down for all the generations to come.

Susan!!!! I love this story of your spur of the moment trip and the return when you needed your own pillow.


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