Goodness the days have slipped by since my last post. Spring is simultaneously here and still on the way. We have a hard freeze forecast for the coming week - fingers crossed that all the emerging buds and perennials will be ok. I have a serious case of spring fever and have been visiting all my very best hiking spots.
The great blue heron's favorite sitting spot.
First foray to see if the white pelicans are in residence.
Cattails at the wetlands.
The church of the glassy river.
I love how the bark on this cut log look like petals on a flower.
Did I mention the birds? Oh the birds the birds the birds. They are busting out in song all over and are always in tune. Perfect pitch actually. Sometimes I try to fool them by responding to their calls with a whistle of my own. You do it too. Don't say you don't.
I always answer the chickadees with “chicka-dee-dee-dee!” I’m sure I’m saying nice things to them!
Posted by: Chris Oliveira | 03/17/2024 at 08:23 AM