A new pair of lightweight, waterproof, ankle-high, boots have been purchased for the trip Sister and I are taking to the Cotswalds this summer. The trip where we trek across fields and meadows familiarizing ourselves with the countryside and all the breeds of sheep in England.
There will also be gardens to see, small hamlets to peruse, and of course pubs to visit. Sister and I have discussed the pros and cons of what to wear on our feet. An extremely important decision because there will be one small carry on bag that must also include journal paraphernalia.
On this trip to the wetlands recently I verified that they do indeed stay dry in a muddy field, protect the ankle when one steps in holes, and are perfectly comfortable.
Now to figure out what one alternate pair of shoes can double as house-kicks and work for casual strolling about. The search has begun.
With just under 2 months until we leave, there is no time for dilly dallying. Today we discussed train schedules and delighted at the thought that we will be in Paddington Station. Why does that sound so wonderfully delightful?
For inquiring minds per the comments here is a photo of the boots I referenced above - Keens.
Delighted to hear you'll be on my home turf for a while! Yes, Paddington Station is grand and you can visit a lovely bronze of the bear himself, sit beside him for photos and buy a souvenir in his shop. I'm fascinated to learn where you'll stay and what features in your plans for your time here. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to drop me an email.
Posted by: Gill Thomas | 04/12/2024 at 05:26 AM
Inquiring minds need to know which boots you bought! Shoes are always an issue, and on our trip to Europe last year I bought these as my walking-around, dining out, slightly nicer shoes and they worked out perfectly. I actually bought two pairs, one in black and the other grey: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07146P2X5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1!
Now that we are back, a year later, I find they are still my go-to shoes most days...easy on-easy off, not quite as casual as ordinary sneakers, and oh, so comfortable!
Posted by: Dianne King | 04/12/2024 at 08:28 AM
Yes, inquiring minds need to know what boots!! I need a good pair.
Posted by: Pam Michael | 04/12/2024 at 09:04 PM
for all of you inquiring minds out there... I bought a pair of keen, ankle high, waterproof boots. as per all the comments I read about them, I got 1/2 size larger than my usual and they fit perfectly. I am going to see if I can sneak a picture of them in the post above.
Posted by: carol | 04/13/2024 at 03:14 PM
Gill: thank you so much for your offer of help and you may be getting an email 😄
Posted by: Carol | 04/29/2024 at 10:38 AM