In between working, weed pulling, and generally wasting time in the best ways possible, there was a trip to Zeb's in Eudora, where the windows are covered with fabulous drawings, and the Rosemary Rise latte is available for a limited time. It's so unusually delicious that I will be going back asap for a repeat.
Ignore that cherry turnover on the side. I don't know how it got there. The sprig of rosemary on top provided one of the most indulgent, sensory-inclusive, sipping experiences ever.
My little redbud tree is having a so-so bloom this year. They can't all be spectacular. However, this specimen in front of the post office downtown is something else ... it must be in a micro-climate that got spared from a late frost or something. There are always spots of beauty to be found, even in a "so-so" year.
The light coming through the upstairs window, illuminating my first mini flower arrangement of the year, making the vinca vine and ground cover look like a million bucks is another one of those unexpected bits of loveliness.
I got hooked by a picture from Smitten Kitchen of a New York Crumb cake... and did some baking today. Hats off to Deb Perelman for another recipe that is perfectly perfect. I followed it to the letter. Tender, soft, melt in your mouth. Because really, we all deserve cake for breakfast at least once in a while. Especially when you are in your 60's. I can keep going with the reasons it was necessary but I will stop there.
I took a picture this afternoon of the one tulip that came up in the front garden. Maybe this will be the year I actually get off my duff and plant some new bulbs.
In the meantime, I sure do enjoy looking at this one.
Helpful links: New York Crumb Cake