These 50 degree morning walks are one of the great pleasures of spring in the midwest. Made even sweeter by the knowledge that they will only be possible during this short window of time, before it gets so much warmer, making the walks less pleasant. Don't get me wrong, you can still walk in Kansas in the summer but you have to get up much earlier.
On this particular walk there was the wild honeysuckle that caught my nose as I brushed by.
So pretty in the morning light. The honeysuckle likes the temps and sunshine right now too.
Below is a shagbark hickory bloom - which I would not have known except for the ID feature on the iPhone. I have never noticed them before. They look like some kind of a lily except leaves spring from the inside. Fascinating.
By the time the walk was over I was in a very blissful state.
Blue sky, sunshine, no bugs yet, coolish temp, honeysuckle, a porch sit waiting when I get home. This is me counting my blessings.
You had me at no bugs yet!
Posted by: Chris Oliveira | 05/02/2024 at 08:40 AM