The 10th installment in the Armand Gamache series by Louise Penny - The Long Way Home, brings closure to the dangling situation that is the marriage of Clara and Peter Morrow. Forgive me, but he is sort of a shit at times, don't you think? But I shall not disclose the outcome... most of you already know since you are way ahead of me in the series anyway. It was nice to see how Armand and Reine-Marie are faring in their new home in Three Pines, and to find Jean-Guy Beauvoir and Annie doing well after so much turmoil. I was also pleased to check in with Myrna and Ruth.
We did not get to spend as much time in the bistro eating vicariously all the wonderful things prepared by Gabri and Olivier and described so well by Louise Penny, but there will be more of that in the next installment. I will say this reading has seriously amped up my urge to visit Montreal, Quebec City, the eastern townships, and now Baie-Saint-Paul. A good dive into Airbnb might be in my near future. It's so much fun to look.
As with all the books in this series - I highly recommend The Long Way Home.
Two things:
1. My library is holding (or co-sponsoring) an event with Louise Penny soon, so they currently have an entire display devoted to her books next to the circulation desk. I guess I need to check her out.
2. At the beginning of the month, I spent a week in Montreal and Quebec City, and they were as delightful as you might expect them to be.
Posted by: Faith | 07/21/2024 at 12:44 PM
One if my favorite series! And yes, Peter is a shit at times.
Posted by: Amy in Texas | 07/21/2024 at 10:32 PM