In addition to burying things in my pots, the squirrels who think they live here, and therefore can do anything they like, have taken to chewing on my front door mat.
Not only that, they have decided it is perfectly ok to act like beavers and knock over jade plants by cutting through the trunk/stem.
Rather than go ballistic, I am letting a crust form over the end of this stem and will stick it back in the dirt to re-root. In terms of the front door mat, I am hoping they get tired of it before they reach the middle.
Meanwhile the geraniums are in the middle of another bloom, acting like the high temps and humidity are no big deal.
The caladiums with other assorted trailing fillers are also performing according to plan.
Did I tell you I found a source for clotted cream right here in Lawrence Kansas? And that I secured a jar with my mind set on replicating the cream tea experience in Bath? It was perfectly tasty, but as we all know, an experience like that simply stands on it's own with no hope of a repeat that can match the original, unless I perfect the time machine that will take me back to Bath with Chrissy and Sister, and the bridge... but it's important to try.
The Zinnias are in full bloom with no signs of slowing down.
The more I cut, the more they bloom.
So I do and they do and it's a beautiful thing.
Tomorrow I am headed to Concordia, Kansas to see Dottie and Mary Fran. I can't say exactly what we will get up to, but I am pretty sure it will be low key, with a coffee shop visit, nice meals, early morning walks, maybe a dip in the pool, and a few naps. In other words a swell time.
I wonder why the squirrels like your doormat. If it were my doormat, I would try sprinking red or cayenne pepper on it to deter them. Have a fun weekend!
Posted by: Mary | 07/26/2024 at 08:02 AM
Those critters are cute but so naughty! Our critter troubles this year involve a groundhog in the veggie garden. Not good news for the green beans. And bunnies bit off all but one of our lilies. I do not plant zinnias because I am sure they would eat them too. Grrr! But…I must check a local market for clotted cream! Who knew you could get it in a jar? I have always wanted to try it.
Posted by: Chris Oliveira | 07/26/2024 at 08:43 AM
Regarding the doormat look for a silver lining. A bird might want bits of it for nesting materials in the spring. Just gather the bits and save them dry in a bag and set the bits in a pile come spring.
Posted by: SMM | 07/26/2024 at 07:28 PM