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I wonder why the squirrels like your doormat. If it were my doormat, I would try sprinking red or cayenne pepper on it to deter them. Have a fun weekend!

Chris Oliveira

Those critters are cute but so naughty! Our critter troubles this year involve a groundhog in the veggie garden. Not good news for the green beans. And bunnies bit off all but one of our lilies. I do not plant zinnias because I am sure they would eat them too. Grrr! But…I must check a local market for clotted cream! Who knew you could get it in a jar? I have always wanted to try it.


Regarding the doormat look for a silver lining. A bird might want bits of it for nesting materials in the spring. Just gather the bits and save them dry in a bag and set the bits in a pile come spring.

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