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Terri W.

My husband and I watched it last weekend and loved it. I'd wanted to see it since I saw the first teaser prior to the theater release and was not disappointed. Olivia Colman is always a favorite, but I agree with you on Anjana Vasan.

Gill Thomas

Glad you enjoyed it - we weren't so sure 😉

I do hope you're reading one of Pip Williams' books set in Oxford though! Terrific reads, both of them, I'll look forward to hearing what you think.


You are 100% correct Gill. I am reading the dictionary of lost words by Pip Williams and am completely smitten.


Terri! Thanks for weighing in with your opinion!

Leslie Gelber

Thank you for the review/recommendation! The movie was excellent. Acting, filming, costumes, and story. Loved the very end. I so enjoy your blog Carol. Cheers.


Thanks Leslie!

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