It's tuberose time at the farmers market in Lawrence. Tall, beautiful, fragrant, impressive. The Pendletons also had a colorful array of peppers this morning at their spot... but the wreath! Oh the wreath, it was a stunner. It made me think of fall, and reminded me how much the birds liked the dried sunflower head I left for them on the porch through the winter. This year maybe a wreath?
The little tomatoes... in all the shapes and colors were splendid.
This fella got a great explanation from Thuy (Juice Garden) regarding all the varieties of juices that were available... then his mom bought a 5 pack and they were on their way. The explanation made me re-think my original selections. I was going to go with the pineapple/orange but ended up with the beet/carrot/lemon/green apple/ginger/parsley plus a strawberry/watermelon. Thuy also told me how good the Turmeric water with lemon and ginger is hot once it starts to get cold.
How beautiful are these tomatillos? Especially with the peppers in the background. I must remind Chris it is time for a batch of his green enchiladas that incorporate tomatillos.
I was delighted to see these peaches today at the Peter's Farm booth. Mrs. Peters told me that they got these from Illinois because there are NO local peaches this year. She explained to me how the buds on the trees set in late January or early February and we got a really cold snap at that time, which put an end to the local peaches in this area for the year. I appreciated them having the one's from Illinois. Summer without peaches just isn't right.
They had all the onions at this booth. Green, red, white, yellow, shallots.
Rainbow carrots sounded like they would be good roasted ... again. Two baskets please.
How about these delicate tiny bouquets? The perfect thing to go on the tray with your pot of tea and biscuits for afternoon tea.
Hot dog girl was strolling around this morning. Keeping things on the up and up. She's a superhero in disguise.
Yes of course to the peach cake.
I did not get these succulents that look like rocks, but I did get a small anacampseros which I will show you as soon as I add it to the post of succulents out back. But seriously, how darling are the these?
Here is what came home with me. I went a little overboard at Lebanese Flower. Falafel, tzatziki, lebanese beans, baklava, plus a couple of cucumbers to go with from Mellowfields farm, right around the corner. Actually, along with the roasted carrots this is a complete meal.
After I got this all put away, I heated up the Turmeric/ginger/lemon water and sat on the front porch with my hands wrapped around my mug. It was fabulous.