Because we are in the middle of soup, chicken & noodles, ham & beans, and chili season, it was time to bake another batch of "really good savory corn muffins" this weekend. Raise your hand if you like to assemble all your ingredients like you are on a cooking show when you are baking.
Angie loved cornbread, but always preferred the "southern cornbread" recipe; made in a cast iron skillet with jalapeƱos added for extra spice. These freeze so well though, and are my go-to recipe.
They never fail. Hope I did not just jinx my next batch.
While on the topic of winter things, I have been knitting away on this pair of socks. A perfect project for working on while watching The Diplomat on Netflix. Chris and I have found it to be good viewing. We went through all the season 1 episodes in a little over a month and are into season 2. Still liking it.
February first means the beginning of month #5 of the block studies collective class. The new color palette has been washed and dried and smoothed out in preparation. As part of our class, we had a "guest speaker" - Annabel Wrigley of littlepincushionstudio on instagram. Holy smokes she is talented. In December of 2023 when I went to see Brother in Richmond, I went by a studio where her work was on display and had to get a piece. It was greatly inspiring to be able to see her process as part of this class.
I have added links to both Tara Faughnan and Annabel Wrigley's sites below. The Modern Quilt Guild annual show is coming up in February. I love (and greatly appreciate) seeing all the quilts posted on social media by those who are in attendance.
Oh one more thing... Did you catch the interview Julia Louis Dreyfus did on Wiser Than Me with Nina Totenberg? It is so worth listening to.
Wiser Than Me - Nina Totenberg