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Sharon W

Are you familiar with the Pioneer Woman? She has a show on Food Network, and two cookbooks. In her new book she has a recipe for a hard cooked breakfast muffin....it involves cooked bacon, chopped egg, cheese, mayo, some condiments...spread on muffins and broiled. Oh my goodness.....a wonderful use for those hard cooked eggs, and really not to be wasted on breakfast: it's my new snack supper with salad and wine. check it out. (she has a good blog also). (of course not as good as yours.) ;O)


My kids fight over the last deviled egg! My mother-in-law dyes them after they are boiled and peeled so the white is colored, which my kids think is great. She is a culinary over-achiever like you...I usually eat half of the filling with a spoon before it ever makes it to the eggs! I'm off to find Sharon's Pioneer Woman. I'm pretty sure I'm going to love the hard cooked breakfast muffin too!


Get the bleep outta here those eggs you dyed are v.v.v. Fabulous!!!
Send devils. I want

Michele R. Unger

Yum! Your deviled eggs look....wait for it.....good enough to eat! Really, all horrid joking aside, they really do look yummy. I'll have to go look at that recipe. My hard cooked eggs are waiting for their transformation.

Judy H.

The eggs, both decorated and deviled, look great!

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